Do Any of You Know Ogre in Vietnamese
Spoiler alarm!
This article contains plot details from Unlocked.
Tam Dai Song is a main graphic symbol in the Keeper of the Lost Cities serial. He is a Shade and a member of the Blackness Swan too equally a sometime temporarily forced member of the Neverseen. When he was 11, he left the Lost Cities because his twin sister Linh, who he was very close with, was banished for flooding Atlantis and then she wouldn't exist lone. As a issue, he was as well banished and began to attend Exillium and live in the Neutral Territories for more than three years, until Volume four: Neverseen where he and Linh met Sophie Foster and her friends.
The name "Tam" appears to be either Vietnamese,[ix] Scots,[ten] or Hebrew.[xi] It primarily means "twin," "heart," or "excellence." In the past, his family'due south concluding proper name was Tong, simply his great-nifty-great-slap-up-great-nifty-slap-up-great-not bad grandmother changed it to Song, as she was a musician. The surname Song is also the Chinese variation of the Vietnamese surname Tống". Along with the starting time name and origin of the concluding name. His center proper name, "Dai," is a Welsh and Japanese name,[12] with different meanings reported by different sources. Some say that information technology means "to shine" in Welsh[13], and others report that information technology means "dearest" in Welsh and "cracking" in Japanese.[xiv]
- 1 Appearance
- 2 Personality and Behavior
- three Ability
- 3.1 Shade
- three.ii Skills
- 4 History & Location
- v Involvement
- 6 Relationships
- 7 Character Bio by Shannon Messenger
- 9 Trivia
- 10 References
Appearance [ ]
Tam has black hair with silver-tipped bangs, which tend to fall into his eyes. The silver-tips are from his melted registry pendant. He has a creamy pare tone, pink lips, and stake blueish optics, which are flecked with silverish. He is described every bit very handsome, and Sophie Foster equates his appearance to that of a K-popular idol. Information technology is too stated that he has the same "dramatic features" as his sister.
Tam Song Gallery
Personality and Behavior [ ]
"Dude! This guy uses more than hair products than I do!"
- Rebellious/Bitter
The silver tips of his bangs start came effectually when Tam had melted the bondage of his registry pendant and dipped the tips of his bangs into the silver liquid, throwing the crystal into his father'south face every bit an human activity of defiance.[xv]
When information technology comes to his parents, Tam is very rebellious and bitter and he always speaks badly of them. He loathes them after what they had washed to him and Linh. He seems to want to be completely asunder from them. An example, him not liking to be called by his concluding name, Song. Because of that, he does not trust people easily and is overprotective of Linh. However, while he is very bitter towards his parents, a small part of him seems to want them back, every bit he keeps repeating that his parents need to "earn their respect." He fifty-fifty taunts Lady Gisela in the 8th book on his kickoff day with the Neverseen, which shows his rebellious side.
- Wary
Tam is wary of anyone that he has not gotten to know yet. He has strong trust issues, as it is seen when he took a long time getting to trust Sophie, her friends, and the Blackness Swan.[16] Tam even admits at the end of Flashback he was never really trusting of the Blackness Swan for a while. He takes careful steps in trusting people or telling them about something, and he always thinks in that location might be a 'take hold of' to a deal that sounds also good to be true, as shown when Mr. Forkle offers the twins home to stay for null in render.[17] This wariness or suspicion could be because of his rocky past with his parents, bigotry confronting twins and/or being banished for more than than 3 years.
In his short story in Legacy , information technology is revealed that he set certain rules for himself to follow once he was moved to Exillium with his sister. He attempts to follow these rules again as he lives with the Neverseen.
- Insecure
Tam besides tends to be a bit insecure. At one point he asks Sophie, "You already have the iv friends you came with. Exercise you really have room for more?" This shows that Tam does not think very highly of himself as he questions if someone who already has and then many friends would want him for a friend as well. This insecurity may be why he tends to remark sarcastically and hide his feelings, perchance every bit a result of his parents' harshness.

- Empathetic/Loyal
Despite Tam's bitterness, which is ofttimes mistaken for a lack of trustworthiness, he tin exist very compassionate and chose to help Sophie and her friends when he could have just pushed her away, as he had a sense of what the right thing to do was. Tam cares a lot about his twin sister, Linh, and follows her wherever she goes, to keep a careful eye on her and keep her safe. He is willing to do anything for her. After Linh was sent to Exillium, he chose to go with her, even though he did nothing wrong. Tam also chose to sacrifice his freedom to keep Linh, Silveny, Greyfell, Wynn and Luna from the Neverseen.
- Perceptive
Tam also seems to be very observant and asks questions the others haven't thought of. In Nightfall, he brings upward the fact that Prentice could accept told Alden about the symbol instead of keeping information technology a secret if his sentence was inevitable. He too points out that a raid on Ravagog during the day would exist better since the Neverseen would exist expecting a night attack, and because he can hide them with shadows someday. Tam has also hinted at his understanding of Keefe and Fitz'southward feelings for Sophie and vice versa, every bit he offers to explain the concept of Fitz and Sophie to a confused Tiergan, and warns Keefe that if he leaves them stranded, he'll lose Sophie.
- Selfless
Tam doesn't trust many people. He has shown a bang-up deal of protectiveness towards Linh, and more recently the others as well, and a desire to keep them prophylactic no matter what, sometimes at the expense of himself. The major examples of this are in Flashback when Tam gives himself upward and "joins" the Neverseen to save Silveny, Greyfell, and the two newborn alicorns, Wynn and Luna, also equally his sister, despite Lady Gisela'due south articulate message of how unsafe it would be for him. Before going, he tells Sophie: "And I don't really intendance about me. I care well-nigh Linh..." and goes on to say that it'll protect the alicorns too. He says something like to Sophie in Neverseen. On page 589 of Neverseen, while crossing the river in Ravagog, Tam decided to expect for Calla, someone he barely knew, to go before him. In improver to this, when his sis is threatened by the Neverseen, he admits to not really caring nigh himself. In the eighth book, he does his best to deed like he enjoys being with the Neverseen, yelling at his sister to stay abroad, to make sure she doesn't attempt a rescue and put herself in danger. In the short story (that's in Tam's point of view) it was revealed that Glimmer heard him crying afterward that exchange, which shows how much it hurt him to make his sister believe he'd betrayed her.
Ability [ ]
Shade [ ]
This power lets Tam command shadows and darkness. He tin can hide people completely with shadows, put his consciousness into shadows (helpful for eavesdropping), create realistic illusions if helped past a Flasher, break though forcefields, and "read" a person by seeing how much shadow vapor they have. The more shadow vapor a person has, the more secrets/darkness they have to hide. If a person has too much shadow vapor or won't let him take the reading, he becomes suspicious, equally in the case of Keefe and Alvar. Since Flashback, he can as well control the unpredictable sixth chemical element, shadowflux.
So far, shadowflux allows him to requite people echoes, stop other Shades shadows, and to either pass shadowflux straight through strength fields without breaking them (like Umber when she attacked Sophie and Fitz), or completely shatter them far more than quickly and efficiently than he could with his normal shadows. Besides Umber, he is the but elf always recorded to be able to control shadowflux.
Because Tam is able to control and command shadowflux, (which does not like to listen and is hard to control), and that even experienced Shades such as Lady Zillah are non able to control information technology, there are some theories that Tam and Umber might have a unknown ability.
Skills [ ]
From his years in Exillium and from being an elf, Tam has learned/can do:
- Levitation
- Body Temp-Regulation
- Darkness Vision
- Channeling
- Outward Channeling (presumably)
- Ambition Suppression
- Breath Command
- Telekinesis
History & Location [ ]
"I didn't want her to face up this alone, and I wouldn't stay with my family unit anyhow. They'd always wished they didn't accept the shame of twins. I wasn't going to permit them pass me off equally an but child."
![]() | This article is function of a series about Exillium |
Many residents of the Lost Cities harshly gauge multiple births, and Tam's parents are no exception. Thus, when Linh, a fledgling Hydrokinetic, lost control of her powers and flooded the Lost City of Atlantis, she was banished to Exillium. Tam, not wanting her to confront banishment on her ain, decided to follow her to Exillium even though he had done aught wrong. He also did this because he hates his parents and disapproved of their discrimination against multiple births.
Tam and his sister Linh and then constantly moved around the Neutral Territories and attended Exillium for three+ years. When Sophie met them they were living in Wildwood Colony, a gnomish territory affected by the ogre-released plague in Neverseen. He and Linh later resided in Ermete's, (a dwarf who died in the battle at Mount Everest), residence before moving to Alluveterre under the intendance of the Black Swan. After the events in Lodestar, they were supposed to motion in with Mistiness, but there was a difficulty with Blur's living conditions and then they were placed with Tiergan and Wylie at Solreef. Tam at present attends Foxfire Academy, along with Linh.
Involvement [ ]
Book four: Neverseen
At the get-go of this volume Tam and Linh are banished and living in Wildwood Colony when it gets infected past the plague. When they see the Council and the Neverseen investigating, Tam uses his shadow to eavesdrop on the two Councilors and hears them talk about how 'they' should have told 'them' that [the plague] could of happened, and that nobody tin detect out.
Afterward at Exillium, Tam and Sophie start to communicate after Sophie nearly burns down the Curvation of Dividing and helps Linh with jiff command. To return the favor, Tam and Linh invite Sophie to Wildwood Colony where they innovate themselves and tell Sophie what they know most the plague. Later, Sophie brings her friends to come across them, and Mr. Forkle sets them up to stay with the dwarves.
He and Linh then go with Calla, Alvar, Sophie and her friends to sneak into the ogre kingdom Ravagog, fight the Neverseen, and save the gnomes, (after Linh convinces him.) Their adjournment is subsequently lifted past the Council, and he becomes a member of the Black Swan.
Volume 5: Lodestar
In this book Tam and Biana find a secret room in ane of the Silver Tower's mirrors. Inside they observe a Lodestar Symbol gadget, later discovered to be able to transport users to any connected Neverseen hideout if a Shade activates it. He accidently transports Sophie, Fitz, and himself into 1 of said hideouts and are met with some of the Neverseen. He then discovers that he tin can break through forcefields with his ability (not using shadowflux). He helps Sophie and Fitz capture two important Neverseen members (Brant and Ruy), and also at some indicate when they went to the Everblaze blossom sites he had a bus-load of human teens swooning over him. He also uses his powers to lift 'veils' of darkness from Prentices' broken mind.
Book 6: Nightfall
In this book, Tam, Sophie, Biana, and Marella go to the newer Nightfall facility to effort and find Sophie's human parents. They detect a agglomeration of empty storage rooms, gorgodon basic (a species created past Lady Gisela), and the Neverseen fellow member Alvar Vacker, who was unconscious and wounded. When Alvar needed to be taken to a place the Neverseen wouldn't think of, Tam volunteers his babyhood home, Choralmere, stating that the Neverseen would never expect it and that information technology would besides freak his parents out. He later joins the group going to Vespera'due south older Nightfall facility.
Book 7: Flashback
Tam first appears in the Healing Center after Fitz and Sophie are attacked by Umber, Gethen and Ruy and shot with shadowflux. He was called correct afterwards they were attacked and managed to use his shadows to get the shadowflux out of them. When Lady Zillah, his Shade mentor, comes and figures out that he could mayhap control shadowflux, he is asked if he would learn how to. At commencement he didn't want to, seeing what it had done to Fitz and Sophie, only was then convinced by Linh and Lady Zillah.
While Sophie and Fitz are all the same in the Healing Heart, Tam is ane of the elves training with weapons. He as well is being taught how to command shadowflux in Foxfire at night by Lady Zillah, sometimes joined by Linh when it wasn't 'too dangerous'. He has put shadowflux under his skin and has an echo, (which is non-violent unlike Sophie's and Fitz'southward echoes.)
Later on the baby alicorns are born, he and Wylie work together to brand an illusion that would hibernate the troll hive. Later at Prism Peaks before the Angelic Festival, Tam, Wyile, and Luzia work on illusions of the Councillors, their guards, Orem Vacker, Sophie and Sophie's friends, bodyguards and family so that everyone could look for or stay away from the Neverseen without alarming elven citizens.
When the group gets to the festival, Tam goes in the grouping with Sophie and Keefe, or joins 'Team Foster-Keefe", every bit Keefe puts it, explaining that Sophie is always the Neverseen'southward biggest target, he is the but 1 who can break forcefields, and that he can utilise what Lady Zillah taught him about shadowflux if Umber goes after Sophie once more.
Afterward the whole group teleports to Everglen and go stuck in Ruys forcefield, Tam '[shoots] bolts of whirling shadows' at it and Wylie shoots his calorie-free at information technology. This didn't work considering Umber kept undoing the progress they fabricated and unraveling Tam shadows.
Later Umber asks Tam why he looks so afraid of the shadowflux and hurls an arrow of shadowflux at Biana, '[b]ut Tam snarled something before the darkness hit, and the arrow vaporized into a thick black mist.'
Tam, Wylie, and Dex proceed slowly breaking the forcefield after Ruy traps them once again at the Everglen Gate.
(Subsequently the newborn trolls escaped the hive): '"You're right!" Tam snapped [at Ruy]. "It'south way smarter to send them after you." He whispered something in a dark shadowy language, and a spiral of shadowflux blasted out of his palms, slamming into the Neverseen's force field so hard that the glowing free energy exploded in a shower of sparks.
Ruy raised his arms to form some other, merely Tam was faster, bounden Ruys wrists in unnaturally black shadows that seeped under his peel, turning his fingers equally dark as the shadowflux itself. And when Ruy waved his blackened easily...
Not even a flicker of power.'
Tam was a picayune stunned later on past what he had pulled off. The Neverseen fled when a newborn troll started charging straight at them, and information technology changed class and went for Tam until Sophie nailed it in the eye with a throwing star and it started going after her. He'due south later seen over at the hive'south door figuring out how to close it.
After the fight, Silveny transmits to Sophie, only repeating "SOPHIE! KEEFE! TAM! HELP! Bustle!" They and Ro teleport to the troll hive, and find the alicorns with Lady Gisela.
Lady Gisela shots both of the alicorns with an contradistinct version of soporidine, and threatens to non give the antidotes and to hurt Linh if Tam didn't come up with her and see the Neverseen's fashion. After he takes the antidotes and gives them to Sophie, Lady Gisela knocks him out and leaps them abroad.
Book 8: Legacy
(to be written)
Tam Brusque Story
First day
Don't talk to everyone.
Don't mind to anybody.
Don't make friends.
Don't let them pause y'all.
They were the words that Tam had repeated to himself every morning before he headed off with Linh to Exillium. The rules he forced himself to follow. The only way to survive. And they were going to get him through this. Hopefully he'd acquire something useful too.
Tam studied his tiny, stuffy room, smirking at the ridiculous touches someone had added—as if they though he'd look at the embroidered pillows and the jewelled moon jars and think, oh, I guess I'm not a prisoner, considering they gave me a mirrored tray with… is that a sparkly cat statue? He rolled his optics and tried to make up one's mind if it would be better to gather up all of that junk and shove it under the bed to show them exactly what he though of it, or to go out it where information technology was. What he really wanted to exercise was shred the pillows, fling the moon jars confronting the walls, and smash that stupid, shiny cat. Just this was a long game.
Best to offset slow. Exam the water. "How did you lot sleep?" Lady Gisela asked behind him, and Tam kicked himself for flinching—just he hadn't heard the door open. "Awesome," he told her. "Null says 'sweet dreams' like a concussion. Y'all should endeavor it former. I'd be happy to knock you out." Lady Gisela sighed. "This volition go much easier for you if you lot cooperate." "Pretty sure it volition become easier for you," Tam countered, spinning around to face her.
Her hair was pulled back into this supertight bun that looked like information technology had to exist giving her a headache, and the skin on her face had this weird, stretched wait to it. It almost looked like it hurt when she moved her mouth. Tam really hoped it did. "I know how to bargain with stubborn, snarky boys," Lady Gisela told him. "I can tell. Thanks for the cat statue!" Her eyes narrowed, and Tam realised he should probably ease off a bit. It was merely day one. He needed to figure out the boundaries before he started slamming against them.
"i'm not the enemy, Tam," she told him, and it was really, really hard not to laugh—until she added, "But I tin be if y'all insist on existence difficult. Yous're hither for a reason, and I will make sure you lot fulfil information technology."
"Swell. Looking forward to it."
"You should be. Now come up on. Gethens waiting." Tam'due south breadbasket dropped. "Gethen?"
"Our telepath." Lady Gisela's grinning stretched wider. "He'south very much looking forwards to spending the day with you."
"I'1000 sure he is," Tam mumbled every bit he followed her down a dim, narrow hallway, trying to keep his back straight, head held high. But a whole day with a telepath… Tam wouldn't be able to hide much. And this prisoner-of-the-neverseen thing just got a whole lot more complicated.
After the warning
"And then settle a bet for me," i of Them said, dropping into the chair across from Tam in the hideout's small study. Tam gripped his book so hard, the spine crackled. Her face up was subconscious by the cowl of her cloak. But he recognised her voice. It was the one who'd put the bonds on his wrists. The 1 who'd told him, it'll be easier this style, I promise, as she'd turned him into Lady Gisela's little shade pet. The flasher who called herself "Glimmer."
Apparently she idea he didn't intendance about what she washed to him, because she pointed to his brow and asked, "So, the fact that you never habiliment your hood—is that a protest? Or because y'all desire everyone to see your awesome bangs?" Tam went back to reading. "You don't talk much, practice you?" When he still didn't respond, she sighed—then leaned closer and whispered, "Gethen'south mad at you lot." Tam gripped his book over again. Of course Gethen was mad at him. He couldn't hide his whole chat with Sophie—he'd known that the second he'd allow her into his mind. Only hopefully he'd hidden the role that mattered. And hopefully Sophie believed him.
"Be careful, Tam." Glimmer told him as she stood. "I don't call up you realise what you're doing." No. He knew exactly what he was doing. Don't let them intermission you.
Subsequently Linh
"I seriously don't know how you tin make any sense out of that journal," Glimmer said, taking the seat across from Tam and plopping a book about calorie-free theory downward on the study's table. "Shades are weird." She sat at his table a lot, either ignoring him or trying to trick him into talking to her. And so Tam tried to tell himself it was nil unusual. Cypher to worry about. No one knew anything.
he'd shrouded his conversation with Linh in hundreds of layers of shadows. At that place was no way Gethen could've found the memory. And yet, Glimmer leaned close and said, "I know something'southward wrong." Tam kept his eyes on Umber's precise writing. "I heard you crying last night," Blink added, her voice softening in a way that reminded him of his sis. And it made him break his rule and talk. "What do yous want?" He asked, keeping his voice low—sharp. "I just . . . don't understand why you have to be then stubborn," she said to him. "You lot don't take to be all alone here. Yous could have friends."
Don't make friends. Not that he needed the reminder. He snorted and held his artillery up, showing her the bonds she'd put in that location. "You think nosotros can exist friends." Her head angled down, making her cloak autumn even farther forrad. "I retrieve there'due south a lot y'all don't empathise," she murmured. "And I think at that place'south a lot you don't understand," Tam countered. His voice low. Ominous. "Whatever reasons you have for being hither are wrong. And whatsoever you remember you know well-nigh these people is wrong besides. They simply intendance virtually themselves, and when the fourth dimension comes, they volition beguile y'all." He pointed to his bonds again and told her, "Just similar they made you trap me." Silence stretched between them. Then Blink grabbed her book and stalked abroad.
Subsequently London
"What happened?" Glimmer demanded, shoving her mode into Tam's room and closing the door behind her, pressing her back confronting it similar she was trying to go along everyone out. "Where did yous go? Why is Lady Gisela unconscious?" Tam curled upward tighter on his bed. He couldn't talk. Couldn't call back. Couldn't stop shaking, shaking, shaking. Blink crouched beside him, and her hood shifted in the process, giving Tam a glimpse of her long black hair.
Book viii.v: Unlocked
Coming soon.
Relationships [ ]
Official Lucifer Status: Unregistered
LINH (twin sister)

Linh is Tam's twin sister whom he cares very deeply for. When Linh is banished to Exillium from the Lost Cities, Tam chose to be banished too, even though he could accept left her alone and choose a normal life without the bigotry of having a twin.
"There are very few things Mr. Tam wouldn't do to protect his sister."
The twins have lived together for more than than fifteen years,[18] and they have attended Exillium for twelve hundred fourteen days. Tam would always get in clear that he would not exist kept away from Linh,[nineteen] and even "joins" the Neverseen to make sure they wouldn't hurt her. He is very protective of Linh and would do anything to go on her rubber and sound. They as well have a way of discretely communicating using a clandestine code they invented while they were fleeing. They replaced the meaning of a few words and chose two "I'm in trouble" phrases. One for Linh, i for Tam.
In Lodestar, the two siblings are seen laughing and teasing each other in front of Sophie, Fitz, Biana, Dex, and Keefe, showing a more than low-cal-hearted side of Tam, equally he has begun to let his guard down and trust Sophie and the others.[20] He and his sister have a very intimate relationship and information technology is clear that they love each other very much.
In Legacy, Tam resists the etherine bonds when Lady Gisela tells him to hurt Linh, fifty-fifty though it seems to cause him pain. At the end of Legacy, Linh says that Tam is "dissimilar" when he gets back from the Neverseen. In Unlocked, Tam says that Linh has gone back to Choralmere considering she doesn't similar Glimmer. This implies a rift betwixt the twins, though they are yet incredibly close.
- SOPHIE (friend/possible love involvement )
Tam met Sophie during her get-go day at Exillium, and both of them had taken an interest in each other. Sophie was interested in Tam as "The Boobrie Dude" had warned her most him, saying that he was the worst Wayward in Exillium, while Tam was interested in Sophie equally when she had about burnt down Exillium on her first mean solar day, his sister Linh was the ane to salvage her as a Hydrokinetic, and he constitute information technology fascinating that she had four abilities.
The two of them, while staring at each other, first communicate with each other through shadow-whispering, and transmitting. They formed a connection with each other through a series of shadow-whispering sessions during lessons in Exillium.
When Sophie stood up confronting the Coaches for the right choice and rescued the plague-infested gnome, as well helping Linh agree her breath underwater by calming her downwards, Tam decided to tell her what he and Linh knew about the plague, and he and Linh leaped Sophie to Wildwood to tell her about them.
Tam eventually trusts Sophie, and the fact that Linh totally trusts her helps him believe that making friends with Sophie was the right decision.
Although Sophie thinks that Tam is expert-looking,[21] it is implied that neither Sophie nor Tam currently has any romantic interest in each other.
- KEEFE (frenemy/blossoming friendship/possible dearest interest)
Tam and Keefe become off on the wrong human foot and both dislike each other. Although information technology is unclear why they dislike each other, Keefe is judgmental towards Tam as Tam's power is a Shade and in that location is this evident stereotype or a misconception that all Shades are 'shady', evil, and not to be trusted. Another possible reason for them disliking each other is that Keefe and Tam are "the same person" every bit quoted past Linh in Lodestar due to their knack of making trouble. Keefe also calls Tam, "Bangs Boy",[22] an "Shady McSilver Bangs". After learning about Tam's past and his hatred towards his father, Keefe still chose to dislike him despite their mutual points pertaining to family background and personality, saying that 'someone needs to tell Shade Boy the office of Troublemaker with Daddy Issues is already filled'.[23] Also, Keefe refuses to permit Tam take a reading of his shadow vapor, heightening disharmonize between them.
Keefe also tells Tam that he would always be the president of "Foster Fan Club" and that they were closed to new members, every bit he doesn't like the manner Sophie and Tam secretly communicate via a combination of shadow-whispering and telepathic transmission and is thus envious or even jealous of their connection.
Tam had not trusted Keefe right from the start when Keefe had refused to let him take a Shade reading of him, as shown when he says "the only people who refuse readings are those with darkness to hide," which implies that he was suspicious that Keefe had something bad to hide.
In Lodestar, Linh remarks that the ii boys' personalities are very similar and that was probably why they did non get along with each other. Despite Sophie'south numerous attempts to attempt to get Tam and Keefe to similar each other, the two boys even so hold an immense dislike for each other, and their distrust of each other is greater displayed.
In Nightfall, information technology'south mentioned many times that Keefe and Tam would be friends due to their many similarities, only but if they got over their differences. Tam likewise said that if Keefe doesn't mess upwards again, he would exist more willing to be friends with him.
In Flashback, information technology is implied that Keefe and Tam's relationship is growing closer to friendship since Keefe seemed to be upset about Tam existence taken by the Neverseen.
In Legacy, Tam warns Sophie about Lady Gisela's plans to impale Keefe, but Keefe doesn't believe him. Keefe calls Tam "Tammy", which could be a sign of their growing friendship, but also refers to Tam as a traitor, and gets upset when Tam takes Lady Gisela back to the Neverseen. Later however, when Tam is forced to consummate Keefe's "transformation", Keefe jokingly assures him that he will always dislike Tam and his bangs and that he doesn't blame him for any of this, showing that Keefe may have started trusting Tam. Tam is horrified and very upset most what he is forced to do to Keefe.
- BIANA (friend/ possible dear interest)
At that place is a possibility that Tam has a crush on Biana and information technology is implied he thinks she is pretty. When Keefe gets jealous of Tam and told him that he was the 'president of the Foster Fan Club' and they were 'closed to new members', Tam instantly 'flushes' and assures Sophie that he had no romantic involvement towards her, instead 'stealing a quick glance at Biana afterwards he said it', maybe implying that he was not romantically interested in Sophie, just Biana.
After seeing him 'wave his manus', making the 'shadows around a clump of trees shift to reveal Linh', Biana, a little in awe, remarked how much that was similar an anti vanish, and asked him how he had washed that. They are good friends, and care about each other, equally seen in Lodestar. Linh said he likes brunettes, and Biana is the but brunette in their friend group, other than Fitz.
In Flashback, Tam tells Sophie that he'southward sure Biana will let him help search Everglen, suggesting that they've grown closer. When the unabridged group was trapped at Everglen behind Ruy's forcefield, Umber directed her Shadowflux at Biana instead of Linh, who Umber knew Tam was highly protective of.
In Unlocked, when Fitz says "No, I merely knew you'd sneak along anyway, since yous're nosy like that-and dying to run into Tam." and then adds to Sophie "My sister's a fan of silverish bangs" Biana's cheek flush, and Sophie thinks it either because of confirmation or irritation. Or both.
- FITZ (hesitant friend/possible love interest)
Tam and Fitz met in Neverseen while they were both attending Exillium. At first, they were wary of each other, but have gradually become friends.
- DEX (friend/possible dearest interest)
Dex and Tam have a mutual friendship and consider each other friends. While staying at Alluveterre in Neverseen, Tam shares a room with Dex before they head to Ravagog. In later on books, there is slight teasing between the two, and they are both pulled into a hug past Alden in Flashback after saving Fitz and Sophie.
- MARELLA (friend/ possible love interest)
In Lodestar, Marella is caught staring at Tam grinning in a flirty way to him and blushes, only claims he's non into her, and Linh claims he'due south into brunettes.
In Nightfall, they seem to exist teasing each other. Afterwards on, Biana said that she dislikes being used to get to her blood brother and added that Linh probably felt like that too. Tam says she doesn't, to which Marella says, "Are y'all kidding, have y'all seen you lot?"
- Wylie (friend)
Tam and Wylie were hesitant friends at first, mainly simply because Linh and Wylie accept spent and so much time together. They take lived with each other for some time in Tiergan's business firm, Solreef. In Flashback, Wylie and Tam had to combine their Shade and Flasher powers to create an illusion to hibernate the troll hive.
- QUAN (male parent)
Tam dislikes his begetter and refers to Choralmere as a 'glittering prison house.' This is most probable because Quan cares about his reputation more his ain kids, going so far as trying to convince everyone Linh and Tam were not the same age, telling the twins a incorrect inception date, and letting both be banished.
In Lodestar, Quan appears to try and reconcile with his children just is yet harsh and worried virtually what people think.
In Nightfall, Quan acts rude towards Tam, Sophie, Biana, and Marella and complains nigh them ruining his home as they try to find a identify to hide Alvar. It's also revealed in Nightfall that Quan locked Tam in his room for two days for spilling ink on his mother's sleeve.
- MAI (mother)
In Nightfall, she painted a portrait of both Tam and Linh, one on each side of the canvas. She wants to reconcile with her children but accepts that they need more time. She refused to leave Choralmere at the Council's suggestion, saying that she couldn't live without the sound of the waves, despite the fact that it would help Linh learn to control her ability.
- Blink (Former fellow Neverseen fellow member/acquaintance/friend/possible love interest)
Tam met Blink during his fourth dimension with the Neverseen, and although he hasn't seen her face and doesn't know her existent name, he admits to trusting her in Legacy, when she realizes that the Neverseen'southward style is not what she wants or believes in and starts helping Tam and his friends to fight the defected Dwarves. It is also said that at one point she reminds him of Linh. He breaks one of his rules and she becomes his friend, though he denies this to her face up.
In Unlocked, Tam trusts Blink, even though she won't lower her hood. Fitz says Tam has been "protective" of Glimmer. Tam tells Bo that she won't threaten his friends, and tells Sandor that Blink wouldn't set a trap when they go to the Neverseen's storehouse. He too says Blink is "manner too smart" to non know how to get to the storehouse.
Character Bio by Shannon Messenger [ ]
We don't meet Tam until partway through the series, because he lives in a dissimilar role of the Lost Cities—a colder, harsher place where those who've been banished struggle to survive. And he endures all of it to protect his twin sister, Linh. He may similar hiding behind his jagged bangs—which he dipped in silver to protest his parents' barbarous choice—but that doesn't hateful he'southward not willing to speak his mind. And with his darkly mysterious power, he'southward a valuable ally for Sophie and her friends, in one case he decides he's willing to trust them.[24]
Quotes [ ]
"Answers can be lies."
"Yous're different. I tin't make up one's mind if that's a good thing."
"I can tell. Cheers for the cat statue!"
"You already have the iv friends you came with. Are you sure you have room for more?"
"The only people who reject readings are those with darkness to hide."
"If you're thinking it'll get easier, it won't."
"And now you can fight like the residue of us! We'll see how long you last!"
"I'm trusting you. I don't care most me, but if something happens to Linh..."
"Are you afraid of the dark?"
"Make him stay abroad from me!"
"Don't talk to anybody. Don't heed to anybody. Don't make friends. Don't let them break you."
"You can't change who you are, or who your family is. All you can do is make certain you're living by what you believe in."
"My registry pendant, actually. I melted downwardly the concatenation afterwards I ripped off the crystal and threw it in my father's face. Now if I ever face him once more, he'll see exactly how little I miss living in his glittering prison house."
"If you don't trust them- trust me."
"Dude- This guy uses more hair products than I do!"
"Yes, because we're not responsible for what they do. Only what nosotros do."
Trivia [ ]
- His original last proper name was Tong before information technology was changed to Song by his grandmother on his mother'south side.
- He has a addiction of tugging on his bangs.
- The proper noun Tam means innocent, honest, or naive and is of Hebrew origin.
- Tam and Linh were not named after the Scottish carol "Tam Lyn," as confirmed by Shannon Messenger.
- He does non employ a nexus.
- His bodyguards are Elidyr and Opher.
Characters | ||||||
References [ ]
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