What Fraction Is the Box Shaded Dark Blue

What Are Fractions: Step by Step Lesson with Interactive Exercises


whole circleA circle is a geometric shape that we have seen in other lessons. The circle to the left can be used to represent one whole. We can divide this circle into equal parts as shown below.

circle halves

This circle has been divided into 2 equal parts.

circle thirds

This circle has been divided into 3 equal parts.

circle fourths

This circle has been divided into 4 equal parts.

We can shade a portion of a circle to name a specific part of the whole as shown below.

circle one half red


circle two thirds pink


circle one fourth blue


examples of fractions

What Are Fractions?  Definition: Afraction names part of a region or part of a group. The top number of a fraction is called itsnumeratorand the bottom part is itsdenominator.

So a fraction is the number of shaded parts divided by the number of equal parts as shown below:

number of shaded parts    numerator

number of equal parts      denominator

Looking at the numbers above, we have:

circle one half red

There are two equal parts, giving a denominator of 2. One of the parts is shaded, giving a numerator of 1.



circle two thirds pink

There are three equal parts, giving a denominator of 3. Two of the parts are shaded, giving a numerator of 2.



circle one fourth blue

There are four equal parts, giving a denominator of 4. One of the parts is shaded, giving a numerator of 1.



Note that the fraction bar means to divide the numerator by the denominator. Let's look at some more examples of fractions. In examples 1 through 4 below, we have identified the numerator and the denominator for each shaded circle. We have also written each fraction as a number and using words.

Example 1:

circle one half red




Example 2:

circle one third pinkcircle two thirds pink



        One-third                             two-thirds

Example 3:

circle one fourth bluecircle two fourths bluecircle three fourths blue



        One-fourth                    Two-fourths                   Three-fourths

Example 4:

circle one fifth greencircle two fifths greencircle three fifths greencircle four fifths green



         One-fifth                   Two-fifths                   Three-fifths                  Four-fifths

Why is the number 3/4ths written as three-fourths? We use a hyphen to distinguish a fraction from a ratio. For example, "The ratio of girls to boys in a class is 3 to 4." This ratio is written a3 to 4, or3:4. We do not know how many students are in the whole class. However, the fraction 3/4 is written as three-fourths (with a hyphen) because 3 is 3/4 of one whole. Thus a ratio names a relationship, whereas, a fraction names a number that represents the part of a whole. When writing a fraction, a hyphen is always used.

It is important to note that other shapes besides a circle can be divided in equal parts. For example, we can let a rectangle represent one whole, and then divide it into equal parts as shown below.

rectangle halves white two equal parts

rectangle thirds white three equal parts

rectangle fourths white four equal parts

rectangle fifths white five equal parts

Remember that a fraction is the number of shaded parts divided by the number of equal parts. In the example below, rectangles have been shaded to represent different fractions.

Example 5:

rectangle one half red1over2.gif One-half

rectangle one third pink1over3.gif One-third

rectangle one fourth blue1over4.gif One-fourth

rectangle one fifth green1over5.gif One-fifth

The fractions above all have the same numerator. Each of these fractions is called a unit fraction.

Definition:Aunit fraction is a fraction whose numerator is one. Each unit fraction is part of one whole (the number 1). The denominator names that part. Every fraction is a multiple of a unit fraction.

In examples 6 through 8, we will identify the fraction represented by the shaded portion of each shape.

Example 6:

In example 6, there are four equal parts in each rectangle. Three sections have been shaded in each rectangle, but not the same three. This was done intentionally to demonstrate that any 3 of the 4 equal parts can be shaded to represent the fraction three-fourths.

A.rectangle three fourths blue3over4.gif

B.rectangle three fourths blue nonroutine3over4.gif

Example 7:

In example 7, each circle is shaded in different sections. However, both circles represent the fraction two-thirds. The value of a fraction is not changed by which sections are shaded.

circle two thirds pinkcircle two thirds pink rotated


Example 8:

In example 8, each rectangle is shaded in different sections. However, both rectangles represent the fraction two-fifths. Once again, the value of a fraction is not changed by which sections are shaded.

A.rectangle two fifths green2over5_2.gif

B.rectangle two fifths green2over5_2.gif

In the examples above, we demonstrated that the value of a fraction is not changed by which sections are shaded. This is because a fraction is thenumber of shaded parts divided by thenumber of equal parts.

Let's look at some more examples.

Example 9:

In example 9, the circle has been shaded horizontally; whereas, in example 10, the circle was shaded vertically. The circles in both examples represent the same fraction, one-half. The positioning of the shaded region does not change the value of a fraction.

circle one half red 1over2.gif

Example 10:

circle one half red rotated 1over2.gif

Example 11:

In example 11, the rectangle is positioned horizontally; whereas in example 12, the rectangle is positioned vertically. Both rectangles represent the fraction four-fifths. The positioning of a shape does not change the value of the fraction it represents.

rectangle four fifths green 4over5.gif

Example 12:

rectangle four fifths green vertical


Remember that a fraction is thenumber of shaded parts divided by thenumber of equal parts.

In example 13, we will write each fraction using words. Place your mouse over the red text to see if you got it right.

Example 13
Number Words
3over5_0.gif answer 1
2over7.gif answer 2
5over6.gif answer 3
3over8.gif answer 4

Summary: What Are Fractions?  A fraction names part of a region or part of a group. A fraction is the number of shaded parts divided by the number of equal parts. The numerator is the number above the fraction bar, and the denominator is the number below the fraction bar.


In Exercises 1 through 5, click once in an ANSWER BOX and type in your answer; then click ENTER. After you click ENTER, a message will appear in the RESULTS BOX to indicate whether your answer is correct or incorrect. To start over, click CLEAR. Note: To write the fraction two-thirds, enter2/3 into the form.

1. What fraction is represented by the shaded rectangle below?
rectangle three fifths small
2. What fraction is represented by the shaded circle below?
circle five eighths orange small
3. Write one-sixth as a fraction.
4. Write three-sevenths as a fraction.
5. Write seven-eighths as a fraction.


Source: https://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/fractions

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