Stellar Masses Can Be Determined by Observing __________ Systems.

Learning Objectives

Past the end of this section, yous will be able to:

  • Distinguish the dissimilar types of binary star systems
  • Sympathise how nosotros tin can utilize Newton'due south version of Kepler'southward third police force to derive the sum of star masses in a binary star system
  • Employ the relationship between stellar mass and stellar luminosity to decide the physical characteristics of a star

The mass of a star—how much textile information technology contains—is ane of its most of import characteristics. If nosotros know a star's mass, as we shall see, nosotros can estimate how long it will smooth and what its ultimate fate will be. Still the mass of a star is very difficult to measure out directly. Somehow, nosotros demand to put a star on the cosmic equivalent of a scale.

Luckily, not all stars live like the Lord's day, in isolation from other stars. About half the stars are binary stars—two stars that orbit each other, bound together by gravity. Masses of binary stars tin be calculated from measurements of their orbits, just as the mass of the Sun can be derived past measuring the orbits of the planets around it (see Orbits and Gravity).

Binary Stars

Before we discuss in more detail how mass can be measured, nosotros volition take a closer wait at stars that come in pairs. The first binary star was discovered in 1650, less than half a century later Galileo began to observe the heaven with a telescope. John Baptiste Riccioli (1598–1671), an Italian astronomer, noted that the star Mizar, in the heart of the Big Dipper'due south handle, appeared through his telescope as two stars. Since that discovery, thousands of binary stars have been cataloged. (Astronomers call any pair of stars that appear to be close to each other in the sky double stars, only non all of these form a truthful binary, that is, non all of them are physically associated. Some are just chance alignments of stars that are really at different distances from us.) Although stars almost commonly come in pairs, there are also triple and quadruple systems.

Revolution of a Binary Star. This figure shows seven observations of the mutual revolution of two stars, one a brown dwarf and one an ultra-cool L dwarf. At center one of the stars is drawn as a red dot surrounded by a blue ellipse. The positions of the companion star at seven different dates are shown as red dots along the blue ellipse. A white arrow points from each red dot on the ellipse to an actual image of the system. Moving clockwise from lower left around the ellipse the observation dates for the individual images are,

Figure 1. Revolution of a Binary Star: This figure shows seven observations of the mutual revolution of ii stars, one a brown dwarf and one an ultra-cool 50 dwarf. Each carmine dot on the orbit, which is shown by the blue ellipse, corresponds to the position of one of the dwarfs relative to the other. The reason that the pair of stars looks unlike on the unlike dates is that some images were taken with the Hubble Infinite Telescope and others were taken from the footing. The arrows point to the actual observations that correspond to the positions of each carmine dot. From these observations, an international team of astronomers directly measured the mass of an ultra-cool brown dwarf star for the first time. Barely the size of the planet Jupiter, the dwarf star weighs in at simply viii.5% of the mass of our Sun. (credit: modification of work by ESA/NASA and Herve Bouy (Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik/ESO, Deutschland))

One well-known binary star is Castor, located in the constellation of Gemini. By 1804, astronomer William Herschel, who likewise discovered the planet Uranus, had noted that the fainter component of Castor had slightly inverse its position relative to the brighter component. (We utilize the term "component" to mean a member of a star system.) Here was evidence that one star was moving around another. It was actually the first evidence that gravitational influences exist outside the solar organisation. The orbital motility of a binary star is shown in Effigy 1. A binary star organisation in which both of the stars can be seen with a telescope is called a visual binary.

Edward C. Pickering (1846–1919), at Harvard, discovered a 2nd grade of binary stars in 1889—a course in which only i of the stars is actually seen directly. He was examining the spectrum of Mizar and found that the dark assimilation lines in the brighter star'due south spectrum were usually double. Not only were in that location two lines where astronomers normally saw only one, but the spacing of the lines was constantly changing. At times, the lines even became single. Pickering correctly deduced that the brighter component of Mizar, called Mizar A, is itself really two stars that revolve about each other in a period of 104 days. A star like Mizar A, which appears every bit a unmarried star when photographed or observed visually through the telescope, but which spectroscopy shows actually to exist a double star, is called a spectroscopic binary.

Mizar, past the way, is a good example of just how circuitous such star systems tin can be. Mizar has been known for centuries to take a faint companion called Alcor, which tin can be seen without a telescope. Mizar and Alcor form an optical double—a pair of stars that appear close together in the sky only practice not orbit each other. Through a telescope, every bit Riccioli discovered in 1650, Mizar can be seen to have another, closer companion that does orbit it; Mizar is thus a visual binary. The two components that brand up this visual binary, known as Mizar A and Mizar B, are both spectroscopic binaries. So, Mizar is really a quadruple system of stars.

Diagram illustrating the concept of center of mass in a binary star system. A seesaw is shown in profile, with the plank horizontal indicating that the system is in balance. Sitting on the left side of the plank is a red sphere labeled

Effigy 2. Binary Star System: In a binary star organization, both stars orbit their center of mass. The image shows the relative positions of two, different-mass stars from their center of mass, similar to how two masses would accept to be located on a seesaw in society to go along it level. The star with the higher mass will be found closer to the centre of mass, while the star with the lower mass will be farther from it.

Strictly speaking, information technology is not right to draw the motion of a binary star system by saying that one star orbits the other. Gravity is a mutual attraction. Each star exerts a gravitational strength on the other, with the result that both stars orbit a point between them called the center of mass. Imagine that the two stars are seated at either end of a seesaw. The betoken at which the fulcrum would accept to be located in club for the seesaw to balance is the center of mass, and information technology is ever closer to the more than massive star (Effigy 2).

Figure 3 shows ii stars (A and B) moving effectually their eye of mass, along with 1 line in the spectrum of each star that we observe from the system at dissimilar times. When one star is approaching us relative to the centre of mass, the other star is receding from us. In the top left illustration, star A is moving toward us, so the line in its spectrum is Doppler-shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum. Star B is moving away from usa, so its line shows a redshift. When nosotros find the composite spectrum of the two stars, the line appears double. When the two stars are both moving beyond our line of sight (neither abroad from nor toward us), they both have the aforementioned radial velocity (that of the pair's center of mass); hence, the spectral lines of the two stars come together. This is shown in the 2 lesser illustrations in Figure iii.

Motions of Two Stars Orbiting Each Other and What the Spectrum Shows. This figure has four binary star spectra, each with blue wavelengths on the left and red wavelengths on the right. Above each spectrum is a diagram showing the orbit of the two binary stars. Spectrum 1 has two spectral lines, one from each star. The lines for star B is roughly in the center of the spectrum, and the line for star A is a little to the left. The orbit shows the stars at opposite sides horizontally, with an arrow pointing down from star A and an arrow pointing up from star B, indicating that the stars are moving horizontally to our line of sight. In spectrum 2, both lines merge into one and the line is labeled

Effigy 3. Motions of Two Stars Orbiting Each Other and What the Spectrum Shows: We come across changes in velocity because when ane star is moving toward Earth, the other is moving away; half a cycle later, the state of affairs is reversed. Doppler shifts cause the spectral lines to move back and forth. In diagrams one and 3, lines from both stars can be seen well separated from each other. When the two stars are moving perpendicular to our line of sight (that is, they are not moving either toward or away from us), the 2 lines are exactly superimposed, and then in diagrams 2 and 4, we see only a single spectral line. Note that in the diagrams, the orbit of the star pair is tipped slightly with respect to the viewer (or if the viewer were looking at it in the sky, the orbit would be tilted with respect to the viewer's line of sight). If the orbit were exactly in the airplane of the page or screen (or the heaven), then it would look nearly circular, but we would encounter no change in radial velocity (no role of the motion would be toward u.s.a. or away from us.) If the orbit were perpendicular to the plane of the folio or screen, and so the stars would appear to movement back and forth in a direct line, and we would encounter the largest-possible radial velocity variations.

A plot showing how the velocities of the stars alter with fourth dimension is chosen a radial velocity curve; the bend for the binary arrangement in Figure iii is shown in Figure 4.

Radial Velocities in a Spectroscopic Binary System. The upper portion of this figure has four binary star spectra, each with blue wavelengths on the left and red wavelengths on the right. Spectrum 1 at left has two spectral lines, one from each star. The line for star A is near the center and that for star B is toward the right. In spectrum 2, both lines merge into one and is labeled

Figure 4. Radial Velocities in a Spectroscopic Binary Arrangement: These curves plot the radial velocities of two stars in a spectroscopic binary organization, showing how the stars alternately approach and recede from Earth. Notation that positive velocity means the star is moving abroad from us relative to the eye of mass of the system, which in this case is forty kilometers per second. Negative velocity ways the star is moving toward us relative to the center of mass. The positions on the curve corresponding to the illustrations in [link] are marked with the diagram number (ane–iv).

This animation lets you follow the orbits of a binary star system in diverse combinations of the masses of the two stars.

Masses from the Orbits of Binary Stars

We can estimate the masses of binary star systems using Newton's reformulation of Kepler's third law (discussed in Newton's Universal Police of Gravitation). Kepler establish that the fourth dimension a planet takes to go around the Dominicus is related by a specific mathematical formula to its altitude from the Lord's day. In our binary star situation, if two objects are in common revolution, then the flow (P) with which they go effectually each other is related to the semimajor axis (D) of the orbit of one with respect to the other, co-ordinate to this equation


where D is in astronomical units, P is measured in years, and M i + K ii is the sum of the masses of the two stars in units of the Sun's mass. This is a very useful formula for astronomers; it says that if we can observe the size of the orbit and the period of mutual revolution of the stars in a binary arrangement, nosotros tin calculate the sum of their masses.

Well-nigh spectroscopic binaries have periods ranging from a few days to a few months, with separations of normally less than ane AU between their fellow member stars. Recollect that an AU is the altitude from Earth to the Dominicus, so this is a small separation and very hard to encounter at the distances of stars. This is why many of these systems are known to exist double merely through careful study of their spectra.

We tin can clarify a radial velocity curve (such equally the one in Figure 4) to determine the masses of the stars in a spectroscopic binary. This is complex in practice merely non hard in principle. Nosotros measure the speeds of the stars from the Doppler issue. Nosotros so make up one's mind the period—how long the stars take to go through an orbital wheel—from the velocity bend. Knowing how fast the stars are moving and how long they take to go effectually tells us the circumference of the orbit and, hence, the separation of the stars in kilometers or astronomical units. From Kepler's law, the catamenia and the separation allow us to calculate the sum of the stars' masses.

Of course, knowing the sum of the masses is not as useful as knowing the mass of each star separately. Simply the relative orbital speeds of the two stars can tell the states how much of the full mass each star has. As we saw in our seesaw analogy, the more massive star is closer to the center of mass and therefore has a smaller orbit. Therefore, it moves more slowly to get around in the same fourth dimension compared to the more distant, lower-mass star. If nosotros sort out the speeds relative to each other, nosotros can sort out the masses relative to each other. In exercise, we also need to know how the binary system is oriented in the sky to our line of sight, only if nosotros practise, and the just-described steps are carried out carefully, the outcome is a adding of the masses of each of the two stars in the arrangement.

To summarize, a skillful measurement of the motion of 2 stars effectually a mutual center of mass, combined with the laws of gravity, allows us to determine the masses of stars in such systems. These mass measurements are absolutely crucial to developing a theory of how stars evolve. One of the best things about this method is that information technology is independent of the location of the binary system. It works as well for stars 100 light-years away from us as for those in our immediate neighborhood.

To take a specific example, Sirius is one of the few binary stars in Appendix J for which we have enough information to apply Kepler'south third police force:


In this instance, the 2 stars, the ane nosotros usually call Sirius and its very faint companion, are separated by almost 20 AU and have an orbital period of about l years. If we place these values in the formula nosotros would have

[latex]\begin{array}{c}{\text{(twenty)}}^{3}=\left({M}_{1}+{Thou}_{2}\right){\text{(l)}}^{2}\hfill \\ 8000=\left({Thou}_{1}+{Thou}_{ii}\correct)\text{(2500)}\hfill \terminate{array}[/latex]

This can be solved for the sum of the masses:


Therefore, the sum of masses of the two stars in the Sirius binary system is 3.2 times the Sun's mass. In social club to determine the individual mass of each star, we would need the velocities of the 2 stars and the orientation of the orbit relative to our line of sight.

The Range of Stellar Masses

Brown Dwarfs in the Orion Nebula. In image (a), taken in visible light, bright clouds of gas dominate the image. Just a few bright stars around the Trapezium are visible below center. In image (b), taken in infrared light, much less nebulosity is seen and many more stars cover the entire field.

Figure v. Brown Dwarfs in Orion: These images, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, prove the region surrounding the Trapezium star cluster inside the star-forming region chosen the Orion Nebula. (a) No dark-brown dwarfs are seen in the visible light image, both considering they put out very piffling calorie-free in the visible and considering they are hidden within the clouds of dust in this region. (b) This image was taken in infrared light, which can make its style to united states of america through the dust. The faintest objects in this paradigm are chocolate-brown dwarfs with masses between xiii and eighty times the mass of Jupiter. (credit a: NASA, C.R. O'Dell and S.K. Wong (Rice University); credit b: NASA; Grand.Fifty. Luhman (Harvard-Smithsonian Middle for Astrophysics) and One thousand. Schneider, E. Young, G. Rieke, A. Cotera, H. Chen, One thousand. Rieke, R. Thompson (Steward Observatory).

How large tin can the mass of a star be? Stars more than massive than the Sun are rare. None of the stars inside 30 light-years of the Dominicus has a mass greater than 4 times that of the Sun. Searches at big distances from the Sunday have led to the discovery of a few stars with masses upwardly to about 100 times that of the Sunday, and a handful of stars (a few out of several billion) may take masses equally big as 250 solar masses. Withal, nearly stars take less mass than the Sun.

According to theoretical calculations, the smallest mass that a true star tin can take is about 1/12 that of the Sun. By a "true" star, astronomers hateful 1 that becomes hot plenty to fuse protons to class helium (equally discussed in The Dominicus: A Nuclear Powerhouse). Objects with masses between roughly 1/100 and 1/12 that of the Lord's day may produce free energy for a brief time by means of nuclear reactions involving deuterium, but they do not go hot enough to fuse protons. Such objects are intermediate in mass between stars and planets and take been given the name brown dwarfs (Figure 5). Brown dwarfs are similar to Jupiter in radius but have masses from approximately 13 to fourscore times larger than the mass of Jupiter.

Still-smaller objects with masses less than about 1/100 the mass of the Sun (or 10 Jupiter masses) are chosen planets. They may radiate energy produced by the radioactive elements that they contain, and they may likewise radiate heat generated by slowly compressing nether their own weight (a procedure called gravitational wrinkle). However, their interiors will never reach temperatures loftier enough for any nuclear reactions, to accept identify. Jupiter, whose mass is most 1/m the mass of the Dominicus, is unquestionably a planet, for example. Until the 1990s, we could merely detect planets in our own solar organisation, but now we have thousands of them elsewhere as well. (Nosotros will discuss these heady observations in The Nascency of Stars and the Discovery of Planets outside the Solar Organisation.)

The Mass-Luminosity Relation

Now that we take measurements of the characteristics of many different types of stars, we tin search for relationships amidst the characteristics. For example, nosotros can ask whether the mass and luminosity of a star are related. Information technology turns out that for nigh stars, they are: The more massive stars are generally also the more than luminous. This relationship, known as the mass-luminosity relation, is shown graphically in Figure half dozen. Each point represents a star whose mass and luminosity are both known. The horizontal position on the graph shows the star's mass, given in units of the Sunday's mass, and the vertical position shows its luminosity in units of the Sun'southward luminosity.

Plot of the Mass-Luminosity Relation. In this graph the vertical axis is labeled

Figure six. Mass-Luminosity Relation: The plotted points testify the masses and luminosities of stars. The 3 points lying below the sequence of points are all white dwarf stars.

We can also say this in mathematical terms.


It's a reasonably practiced approximation to say that luminosity (expressed in units of the Sun's luminosity) varies as the fourth power of the mass (in units of the Sun's mass). (The symbol ~ means the two quantities are proportional.) If two stars differ in mass past a factor of 2, and then the more massive one volition exist 24, or about xvi times brighter; if ane star is 1/3 the mass of another, it volition be approximately 81 times less luminous.

Computing the Mass from the Luminosity of a Star

The mass-luminosity formula tin be rewritten so that a value of mass tin can be adamant if the luminosity is known.


First, we must get our units right past expressing both the mass and the luminosity of a star in units of the Sun'due south mass and luminosity: [latex]50\text{/}{L}_{\text{Sun}}={\left(M\text{/}{Thou}_{\text{Sun}}\right)}^{iv}[/latex] At present we can take the 4th root of both sides, which is equivalent to taking both sides to the 1/four = 0.25 power. The formula in this instance would be: [latex]M\text{/}{Grand}_{\text{Sun}}=\left(L\text{/}{L}_{\text{Sunday}}{\right)}^{0.25}=\left(L\text{/}{L}_{\text{Sun}}{\right)}^{0.25}[/latex]

Check Your Learning

In the previous section, nosotros determined the sum of the masses of the two stars in the Sirius binary organization (Sirius and its faint companion) using Kepler'due south 3rd law to be three.two solar masses. Using the mass-luminosity relationship, calculate the mass of each individual star.

In Appendix J, Sirius is listed with a luminosity 23 times that of the Lord's day. This value can be inserted into the mass-luminosity human relationship to get the mass of Sirius: [latex]Chiliad\text{/}{M}_{\text{Sun}}={23}^{0.25}=2.2[/latex] The mass of the companion star to Sirius is and then 3.2 – 2.2 = 1.0 solar mass.

Notice how adept this mass-luminosity human relationship is. Most stars (meet Figure vi) fall along a line running from the lower-left (low mass, low luminosity) corner of the diagram to the upper-right (high mass, high luminosity) corner. About 90% of all stars obey the mass-luminosity relation. Later on, nosotros will explore why such a relationship exists and what we tin acquire from the roughly 10% of stars that "disobey" information technology.

Cardinal Concepts and Summary

The masses of stars tin can be determined by analysis of the orbit of binary stars—two stars that orbit a common center of mass. In visual binaries, the 2 stars can be seen separately in a telescope, whereas in a spectroscopic binary, only the spectrum reveals the presence of two stars. Stellar masses range from about 1/12 to more 100 times the mass of the Sun (in rare cases, going to 250 times the Dominicus'southward mass). Objects with masses betwixt i/12 and 1/100 that of the Sun are called brown dwarfs. Objects in which no nuclear reactions can take place are planets. The most massive stars are, in most cases, also the almost luminous, and this correlation is known as the mass-luminosity relation.


binary stars: two stars that circumduct about each other

brownish dwarf: an object intermediate in size betwixt a planet and a star; the estimate mass range is from near 1/100 of the mass of the Sun upwardly to the lower mass limit for self-sustaining nuclear reactions, which is about 1/12 the mass of the Dominicus

mass-luminosity relation: the observed relation between the masses and luminosities of many (90% of all) stars

spectroscopic binary: a binary star in which the components are not resolved simply whose binary nature is indicated by periodic variations in radial velocity, indicating orbital motility

visual binary: a binary star in which the 2 components are telescopically resolved


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